Health & Wellness

Advances in preventive and interventional care are helping animals live longer and better.

Our health and wellness program for patients include thorough annual exams, up to date vaccination protocols, prevention of parasitism, client education on puppy and kitten home care, nutrition consultation, and recommendations regarding spay and neuter procedures.


Annual Exams

Comprehensive wellness exams for canines, felines, and other small household pets.

Our Annual Exams address the following:

  • Cardiovascular system

  • Central Nervous System

  • Skin and Coat

  • Body Condition and Weight

  • Urinary and Reproductive Systems

  • Eyes and Ears

  • Mouth, Teeth and Gums

    If we find any reasons for concern or abnormalities during the exam, then we will immediately discuss those with you and can recommend and perform advanced diagnostics or a variety of treatment options.

    During the exam, we also perform screening for parasites like fleas, heartworm, ticks, and intestinal parasites as well as administer vaccinations.

    Lastly, we’ll discuss your pet’s nutrition and diet and recommend behavior modifications, if necessary.



As a pet owner, we want you and your family to experience the joy of pet companionship for a long time. That’s why we strongly emphasize wellness exams and preventative care, which includes vaccinations.

The vaccination schedule can vary depending on your pets age, activity level, health status, lifestyle, the likelihood of disease exposure, etc. However, we recommend that all puppies and kittens establish and adhere to a vaccination schedule as soon as possible.

For canines, vaccinations include Rabies and DAPP (distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, and parvovirus) are essential.

For felines, Rabies and FVRCP (feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia) are essential.

Please note the following:

  • Puppies, kittens, and unvaccinated adult pets require boosters and protocol is tailored to age and previous history.

  • Antibody vaccine titers may be performed on a case by case basis including patients with severe vaccine reactions and autoimmune disease.

  • Patients with previous history of mild to moderate vaccine reactions are premedicated with Benadryl prior to vaccinations and often vaccinations are spread out and given at separate appointments.

  • Rabies vaccinations must be given in conjunction with a physical exam. If adult patients are up to date on the annual exam and rabies and are otherwise healthy, pets may come in for other vaccines and heartworm test (dogs) via a technician appointment and will not require an exam.


Puppies & Kittens

Puppies and kittens are very susceptible to disease and sickness if not vaccinated properly.

It is very important to schedule a wellness appointment once obtaining your new family member.

At that time, our trained and experienced staff will discuss proper care, vaccine schedule, nutrition, behavior, spaying/neutering, microchipping, and helpful at home tips.


Senior Exams & Older Pets

Between age 7 (larger breed) or 10 years (smaller breed dogs and cats) we recommend blood work at their yearly annual visit. This will allow us to detect any early onset of disease.